Sunday, April 4, 2010

Capital Campaign Update: Spring/Summer 2010

We're excited to announce that during April we'll be giving the Porte Cochere Entry (under the Narthex) a thorough renovation with new slate tile floors at the entry and in both restrooms under the narthex. The stairs leading to both restrooms will receive new carpet, along with new lighting. There will also be a new wall of closets installed across from the mens' restroom. We hope to make this significant entrance to the church a much more attractive and welcoming space.

Also in April, we'll be finalizing plans for a complete renovation of the Fellowship Hall under the Sanctuary. Anyone who has seen it in recent years knows that it's a worn-out and depressing space with stained, smelly carpet and bad lighting. When we first presented plans for a Capital Campaign to the congregation in 2005, we showed photos of the disgusting carpet stains in this space as one of the main renovation needs. It hasn't gotten any better five years later! Our goal this summer will be to transform it into a modern and attractive space equally suitable for an elegant reception or a large church gathering. We plan to present more details about the renovation plans toward the end of April and begin work in late May with completion by August.

More information and photos coming soon...